66 Posts  •  January 27, 2011

20 Questions #1: with James White

I was lucky enough to sit down with James White of Signalnoise and ask him
20 questions before he took the stage at Montreal Meets.

The questions ranged from…
“Tim Horton’s or Starbucks?” to “Would you go on vacation to Mars if you could?”.

Share it on Twitter!

Stay tuned, more “20 Question” interviews are on their way! Next week’s will be with Fabio Sasso of Abduzeedo, I can’t wait to share it with you guys!

  1. Reply Mat MacQuarrie

    Awesome interview Colin! Is this going to be an ongoing section? Cause that would be sick!

    Sorry James, it’s Batman fo’ Life, suckah! : )

    • Reply Colin Oakes in reply to Mat MacQuarrie

      Thank you for your kind words Mat.

      Yes I would love to continue doing 20 Question interviews with other designers and web developers, including you šŸ™‚ It’s to bad we ran out of time to do it while I was in Montreal. But… I think we can figure out a way to record a conversation either online or over the phone.

      I will be posting the 20 Questions interview I did with Fabio (Abduzeedo) next week, so stay tuned for that!

Author: Colin Oakes

Hello, Iā€™m Colin Oakes, a web designer and front-end developer from Guelph, Ontario. I have been designing and creating websites for over 10 years and have enjoyed every minute of it.